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Apache OpenOffice Download | TechSpot

Jun 01,  · Key features. Word processing: OpenOffice offers its OpenOffice Writer, to help you in your word replace.me fact, you can easily enter text, adjust layouts and save them. Spreadsheet tools: OpenOffice has a spreadsheet tool that functions as if you are working on Microsoft replace.me OpenOffice Calc, you can create folders and manage them/5(28). Feb 01,  · Download OpenOffice for Windows for free, without any viruses, from Uptodown. Try the latest version of OpenOffice for Windows. Apache OpenOffice for Windows Windows Version Support. The current Apache OpenOffice supports Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Specific platform version notes: Windows OpenOffice may work on Windows , but we don’t test or recommend it. Windows XP: Tested, stable, no platform-specific problems known.