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Using xero for payroll.How To Get Started With Payroll In Xero

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This article is for small businesses who use Xero. Email address. You can also post a pay run without employees in it foe submit your filings to HMRC. Once employee hours are entered into timesheets, pay is automatically calculated. After each pay run, download the payment file http://replace.me/28240.txt pay your employees using using xero for payroll banking. Send invoices. Payroll data updates your accounts automatically.


Using xero for payroll. Powerful payroll software in Xero

You could use cash, cheques, or make individual online payments. After paying your employees, you can email their payslips directly from Xero. Alternatively, employees with access to Xero Me can view and print payslips themselves. Download a payment file (ABA file) from Xero. In the Payroll menu, select Pay employees. Use Xero’s payroll software to simplify compliance with Inland Revenue requirements. Included. Payroll administrators only need to connect to IRD once. Included. Employee pay details are filed automatically with IRD each pay run. Included. . Click on the organisation name, select Settings, then click Payroll settings. From the Organisation tab, click Bank Account and select the bank account to pay your employees from. (Optional) Use the default wages, PAYG and superannuation accounts or choose from the other accounts you’ve created. (Optional) Track payroll expenditure by Employee Groups or Timesheet Categories.