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ScpToolkit download | replace.me.How to use a PS3 controller on PC guide | PC Gamer

Reset your PS3 controller by inserting a paperclip into the tiny hole under the L2 button on the back of the DualShock 3. Connect the controller to your Mac with a USB cable. Hold down the PS button on your controller for seconds until you see the red lights on top of the DualShock 3 flashing. Unplug the controller from your Mac.
When prompted for an access code, enter and select Accept. Disable your Mac’s Bluetooth and wait a second. Enable Bluetooth again and wait another second.
Your DualShock 3 should now work with games that supports controllers. You may not be able to use multiple PS3 controllers wirelessly.
Just plug the controllers into your computer’s USB ports. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests.
You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings , which can also be found in the footer of the site. Tweet Share Email.
In This Article Expand. Frequently Asked Questions. Select Choose DualShock 3 controllers to install , choose your controller, and then select Install. If you use a Bluetooth dongle, check Install Bluetooth driver , then select the Choose Bluetooth dongles to install drop-down menu.
How do I use an Xbox controller on my PC? Was this page helpful? Thanks for letting us know! Email Address Sign up There was an error.
Please try again. You’re in! Thanks for signing up. There was an error. Note: Steam actually has native support for the DualShock 3, meaning you can simply plug the controller in and set it up through the Big Picture mode Controller settings menu.
However, Steam does not support the DualShock 3’s gyro controls or more importantly! Follow this guide to get the PS3 controller working on PC with those buttons working, too. Download the software linked above, and start by installing the four Microsoft packages. If you’re on a Windows 7 PC, you’ll also need to install the Xbox controller driver. On Windows 8 and 10, it’s already built in! Now we can start making it work. Bluetooth installation note: if you also want to be able to use the controller wirelessly, make sure you have a Bluetooth dongle plugged in or your motherboard’s Bluetooth enabled.
ScpToolkit notes you need a Bluetooth 2. Download ScpToolkit and run the installer. After accepting the terms and choosing your install location, you’ll get a menu of all the options to install, as in the screenshot above. I recommend leaving this to the default. Click Install to begin the installation. After about 30 seconds, ScpToolkit will be installed, and you’ll see this screen, with a big green button that says Run Driver Installer.
Since this is a fresh install, that’s what we want to do. Click the button. This screen may look intimidating, but it’s still pretty simple! Check the boxes for the drivers you want to install. In this case, we want to make sure Install Dualshock 3 driver is checked it should be by default. Now click the arrow next to “Choose Dualshock 3 controllers to install” to see a dropdown list of USB devices attached to your computer. Find the PlayStation 3 controller in the list and check it.
Bluetooth installation note: Make sure the “Install Bluetooth driver” box is checked. Like you did with the Dualshock 3, click the arrow next to “Choose Bluetooth dongles to install” and find your Bluetooth device in the list. Check it. Click Install. Watch the SCP Toolkit run through its installation process. You’ll see lots of pop-ups on the side of your screen as it detects your hardware.
Scroll to the bottom of the log and you should hopefully see “Dualshock 3 USB Driver installed” and “Bluetooth Driver installed” if you chose to , signifying a successful installation. If all went well, click Exit. Now that it’s installed, you’ll see ScpToolkit as an icon in your system tray.
Here you can change some settings like disabling rumble, adjusting analog stick deadzones, and more.
Sony dualshock 3 sixaxis pc Driver Windows 10 ().How to Connect a PS3 Controller to a PC
When you’ve assembled everything you need, here’s what to do:. Jump to: Setup Software installation Using it Bluetooth.
Sixaxis/DS3 x64 Driver Download – PS3 Controller on Windows Download | Digiex – Key Details of Windows Driver and XInput Wrapper for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers
You may be able to adjust the control settings for individual games, but your computer will recognize the PS3 controller as an Xbox controller, so keep that in mind when adjusting the button mapping. When you’re done playing, turn off the DualShock by holding down the PS button on the center of the controller.
To use your PS3 controller wirelessly, you’ll either need a PC with built-in Bluetooth compatibility or a Bluetooth dongle plugged in. You must plug in the controller before you can play wirelessly. After unplugging the controller, it should automatically sync with your PC via Bluetooth if the proper drivers are installed. But setting up wireless connectivity requires some extra steps. If you have the latest version of macOS, you can skip steps below, as the process has become more streamlined.
Reset your PS3 controller by inserting a paperclip into the tiny hole under the L2 button on the back of the DualShock 3. Connect the controller to your Mac with a USB cable. Hold down the PS button on your controller for seconds until you see the red lights on top of the DualShock 3 flashing.
Unplug the controller from your Mac. When prompted for an access code, enter and select Accept. Disable your Mac’s Bluetooth and wait a second. Enable Bluetooth again and wait another second.
Your DualShock 3 should now work with games that supports controllers. You may not be able to use multiple PS3 controllers wirelessly. Just plug the controllers into your computer’s USB ports. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests.
You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings , which can also be found in the footer of the site.
Tweet Share Email. In This Article Expand. Frequently Asked Questions. Select Choose DualShock 3 controllers to install , choose your controller, and then select Install.
If you use a Bluetooth dongle, check Install Bluetooth driver , then select the Choose Bluetooth dongles to install drop-down menu. How do I use an Xbox controller on my PC? I recommend leaving this to the default. Click Install to begin the installation. After about 30 seconds, ScpToolkit will be installed, and you’ll see this screen, with a big green button that says Run Driver Installer. Since this is a fresh install, that’s what we want to do.
Click the button. This screen may look intimidating, but it’s still pretty simple! Check the boxes for the drivers you want to install. In this case, we want to make sure Install Dualshock 3 driver is checked it should be by default.
Now click the arrow next to “Choose Dualshock 3 controllers to install” to see a dropdown list of USB devices attached to your computer. Find the PlayStation 3 controller in the list and check it. Bluetooth installation note: Make sure the “Install Bluetooth driver” box is checked. Like you did with the Dualshock 3, click the arrow next to “Choose Bluetooth dongles to install” and find your Bluetooth device in the list.
Check it. Click Install. Watch the SCP Toolkit run through its installation process. You’ll see lots of pop-ups on the side of your screen as it detects your hardware. Scroll to the bottom of the log and you should hopefully see “Dualshock 3 USB Driver installed” and “Bluetooth Driver installed” if you chose to , signifying a successful installation.
If all went well, click Exit. Now that it’s installed, you’ll see ScpToolkit as an icon in your system tray. Here you can change some settings like disabling rumble, adjusting analog stick deadzones, and more. Most of these settings you should be able to leave alone. ScpToolkit starts up with Windows by default, and also plays some sound effects that you might find obnoxious.
To disable them, click the Sound settings tab and uncheck “Enable notification sounds. If you plan to use your PS3 controller with the emulator, click Browse to navigate to your PCSX2 installation folder, then click Enable to install the patch.
Now that it’s installed, the Dualshock 3 should behave like an Xbox controller. Any game with native XInput support—pretty much any modern PC game that supports gamepads—should recognize it without a hitch.
Some games let you manually choose your button icons, though. Look for that in game settings! If you ran into issues installing ScpToolkit or using the controller, you can try posting in the official thread at the PCSX2 forums , but you may not get an answer. If you’re not about that wired business, and followed all the Bluetooth installation steps above, you should be able to simply unplug the controller, and after a couple seconds it will sync via Bluetooth.
You’ll get a notification in the system tray when it does.