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“Outlook ” takes long time to open in windows 10 – Microsoft Community

To determine whether the performance problem is caused by add-ins, run Outlook in Safe mode. To do this, press and hold Ctrl when you start Outlook. When. Cause: Outlook might run more slowly if logging is turned on · On the Window menu, click Error Log. · Click the Action button Action button. · Clear the Turn on.
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May 14, · Open Outlook in Safe Mode and Disable add-in and RSS Feeds: Open Outlook in Safe mode by holding the CTRL key while opening Outlook. If Outlook is still running slow on Windows 10, check if any add-in is creating the issue. Disable all Add-ins and enable the add-ins one by one. If Outlook fails to perform by enabling any particular add-in. Exit Outlook. Start Registry Editor. To do this, use one of the following procedures, as appropriate for your version of Windows: Windows 10, Windows , and Windows 8: Press Windows Key+R to open a Run dialog box. Type replace.me, and then press OK. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software. May 05, · Additionally, sometimes add-ins also causes Outlook slow issue. Please open Outlook in safe mode to see whether this issue persists: hold Ctrl key and open Outlook client. This is to rule out other add-ins interface. Meanwhile, click File> Options> Advanced> Display> select “Disable hardware graphics acceleration” to see whether there is any.