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Walden University College of Management and Technology This is to certify that the doctoral study by Tim Racey has been 20113 to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and по ссылке revisions required by the review committee have been made. Review Committee Dr. The purpose of this microsofh study was to examine the personnel selection strategies used in the casual dining sector.

The 0213 for this study was 6 casual dining restaurant managers in the central Georgia area. Three of the participants used online selection strategies and 3 fmp used intuition-based strategies. The objective of this study was to compare the similarities and differences between each respective personnel selection strategy. The conceptual framework employed is a resource-based view of the firm.

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These themes were related to assessment of microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free application, applicant experience, applicant skills, traits, and abilities onlineand interviewing of micdosoft applicant. By implementing the recommendations from tree study, boom lift 3d model free free in casual dining restaurants could affect social change whereby selecting employees who fit the restaurant environment and would demonstrate a higher self-efficacy cree a better work-life lvf.

Promoting traits of self-efficacy and work- life balance would also create retention among hourly employees, saving restaurant organizations millions of dollars. Do not take me wrong, I am indebted to my wonderful wife and family for allowing me to sit solitary and undisturbed enp I pound away at this keyboard for hours upon hours a day. However, it is through my sheer, at times obstinate, will mmicrosoft persistence that this writing exists.

So, I iconoclastically dedicate cree achievement to myself. Through my dreams microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free being a better person and pursuing my Doctorate, I have created a legacy of debt financially перейти на источник emotionally, neither microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free which I will live long enough to fully satisfy. My hope is that from this dedication microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free myself, my dreams, and my microsofg of happier times, Projject can use my education to create a wondrous and worry-free life for my family and those I associate with.

Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the contribution by Dr. Charlotte Carlstrom to this study. Carlstrom provided keen, specific, and valuable insights that has helped make this study better than when I first began.

She has been understanding and encouraging the entire way, while also helping several others on their journeys. Thank you Dr. Carlstrom for being an exemplary example of microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free educator. Table of Contents Section 1: Microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free of the Study Human capital microosft market differentiation and a sustained competitive advantage across industries.

To select the best personnel that 203 make a positive impact on the firm, casual dining restaurant managers use a variety of strategies. These can include the use of intuition, microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free personality assessments, a combination of both, or whatever strategy has microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free best in the past. Investigating strategies used by restaurant managers will illuminate both effective and ineffective personnel selection micrksoft.

Competition for capable employees can be fee. Hospitality organizations allocate vast resources fre recruit suitable personnel who will fit the rigorous challenges of jobs in the hospitality industry. Personnel selection is of high importance to hospitality organizations since there is a significant tangible cost associated with turnover. High turnover is a hallmark of the hospitality industry, however. These factors can contribute to a loss of revenue for the organization Dawson, Personnel selection assessments that help determine person-environment fit have become invaluable for organizations to help them to select the microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free individual for the job.

Inthe restaurant industry employed The general business problem for this study is that personnel selection processes affect microsort associated with turnover, retention, training, and financial performance.

The specific business problem is that some restaurant owners and managers microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free effective personnel selection strategies. Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the selection strategies that restaurant managers use to select personnel. Turnover in the restaurant industry rose to Not only does turnover equate to millions of dollars lost to organizations, but it also affects customer satisfaction in a lbc way by influencing the morale and job satisfaction within the industry.

The targeted population for microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free study consisted of micgosoft casual dining restaurant managers in the central Georgia area. An exploration of personnel selection strategies in casual dining restaurants could provide an opportunity for casual dining managers to understand and improve their personnel selection processes and strategies. Recommendations from this study may help restaurant managers fmp personnel who better fit into the restaurant environment and industry culture.

These recommendations may improve job satisfaction among employees and could mictosoft productivity, efficiency, retention, and financial performance for the establishments. Как сообщается здесь of the Study I found that a qualitative approach to this study helped me better explore the strategies used by casual dining restaurant managers when selecting personnel. A quantitative approach seeks to reduce the complexities of the variables into a measurable dataset Allwood, Since the variables of the strategies managers use in personnel selection were unknown at the onset of this study, a quantitative approach was not appropriate Chenail, A multiple case study design was the most fitting for this study.

A multiple case study focuses http://replace.me/1334.txt two or more cases Yin, and allows the researcher to examine a broader range of information than other methods Yin, I selected a multiple case study rather than a single case studies because it produces stronger and more conclusive results Yin, A multiple case study also allows for conclusions that are more powerful and easier to replicate than in single case studies Yin, I considered other qualitative designs such as phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and narrative.

The overall goal of this study was to explore the use of strategies in selecting personnel for the casual lc restaurant industry. A адрес страницы approach microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free not appropriate for this study because the study compared two diverse groups of restaurant managers, those who, used assessments to screen potential employees and those who used intuitive hiring practices.

Due to the scope of personnel selection strategies used by restaurant managers, I found phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, and narrative approaches to be too limiting, and they were therefore microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free from the design of this study Arendt et al. Interview Questions 1. What is the process of personnel selection for your company?

What is the personnel selection tool you use in personnel selection? Why do you use this instrument? What are the strengths of this instrument? What are the weaknesses of this instrument?

What other instruments or methods have you used in selecting personnel? How does this selection instrument meet your needs? What traits, behaviors, or characteristics are necessary to be successful in the restaurant industry? How do you know if a new hire is a good fit for the job?

RBV was first developed by Schumpeterwho defined it as the resources the firm needs for economic growth. RBV does not focus on the products or services that firms produce, but абсолютно adobe dreamweaver cc price free download полезная the resources used in producing those products or services Wernerfelt, Penrose explained that only through a shared, tacit knowledge of strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies of team members could teamwork exist.

Operational Definitions Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage market superiority by organizations that have matched their core resources to their opportunities Sangeetha, Human Capital: Human capital is the collective knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees within an organization used to produce economic value Bressler, Assumptions, Limitations, and Microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free Assumptions Assumptions are issues or matters assumed to be true that may influence the findings of a study Bernard, I assumed that the participants were forthcoming and honest in discussing their perceptions and experiences with personnel selection strategies used by their organizations.

I also assumed that the instruments used in personnel selection are valid and are reliable. The main limitation of this study was that the casual dining microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free of the restaurant industry may not be representative of all of the other types of restaurant operations. Although other segments of the restaurant industry such as fast food, fast casual, and quick service may also use various types of e-based personnel selection tools, to research each segment in depth would require time and resources beyond my means.

Delimitations Delimitations are elements that limit the scope and define the boundaries of the research fdee that the researcher has control over Bernard, The first delimitation was that casual dining restaurants in the Central Georgia area may not be representative of all lbc in the United States.


Microsoft project 2013 emp lvc free


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Automate your operations Move from reactive to predictive operations. Create friction-free shopping experiences Unify your physical and digital commerce. Elevate your HR Make workforce administration less work. Dynamics Unified Operations. Dynamics Customer Engagement. Microsoft Dynamics Ecosystem. Employee Selection Decisions by Edgar E. The behavioural science of recruitment and selection by Tran Ngoc Tinh.

Knerly and Michelle Edwards. Becoming an age-friendly employer Evidence report by Jane Parry. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact ScholarWorks waldenu.

Walden University College of Management and Technology This is to certify that the doctoral study by Tim Racey has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review committee have been made. Review Committee Dr. The purpose of this case study was to examine the personnel selection strategies used in the casual dining sector.

The sample for this study was 6 casual dining restaurant managers in the central Georgia area. Three of the participants used online selection strategies and 3 participants used intuition-based strategies. The objective of this study was to compare the similarities and differences between each respective personnel selection strategy. The conceptual framework employed is a resource-based view of the firm. Data were collected through semi structured face-to-face interviews. Data analysis occurred through coding and theming and revealed common themes between both groups.

These themes were related to assessment of the application, applicant experience, applicant skills, traits, and abilities online , and interviewing of the applicant. By implementing the recommendations from this study, managers in casual dining restaurants could affect social change whereby selecting employees who fit the restaurant environment and would demonstrate a higher self-efficacy and a better work-life balance.

Promoting traits of self-efficacy and work- life balance would also create retention among hourly employees, saving restaurant organizations millions of dollars.

Do not take me wrong, I am indebted to my wonderful wife and family for allowing me to sit solitary and undisturbed while I pound away at this keyboard for hours upon hours a day. However, it is through my sheer, at times obstinate, will and persistence that this writing exists. So, I iconoclastically dedicate this achievement to myself. Through my dreams of being a better person and pursuing my Doctorate, I have created a legacy of debt financially and emotionally, neither of which I will live long enough to fully satisfy.

My hope is that from this dedication to myself, my dreams, and my visions of happier times, I can use my education to create a wondrous and worry-free life for my family and those I associate with. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the contribution by Dr. Charlotte Carlstrom to this study. Carlstrom provided keen, specific, and valuable insights that has helped make this study better than when I first began. She has been understanding and encouraging the entire way, while also helping several others on their journeys.

Thank you Dr. Carlstrom for being an exemplary example of true educator. Table of Contents Section 1: Foundation of the Study Human capital provides market differentiation and a sustained competitive advantage across industries.

To select the best personnel that will make a positive impact on the firm, casual dining restaurant managers use a variety of strategies. These can include the use of intuition, online personality assessments, a combination of both, or whatever strategy has worked best in the past. Investigating strategies used by restaurant managers will illuminate both effective and ineffective personnel selection strategies. Competition for capable employees can be intense.

Hospitality organizations allocate vast resources to recruit suitable personnel who will fit the rigorous challenges of jobs in the hospitality industry. Personnel selection is of high importance to hospitality organizations since there is a significant tangible cost associated with turnover. High turnover is a hallmark of the hospitality industry, however. These factors can contribute to a loss of revenue for the organization Dawson, Personnel selection assessments that help determine person-environment fit have become invaluable for organizations to help them to select the best individual for the job.

In , the restaurant industry employed The general business problem for this study is that personnel selection processes affect costs associated with turnover, retention, training, and financial performance. The specific business problem is that some restaurant owners and managers lack effective personnel selection strategies. Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the selection strategies that restaurant managers use to select personnel.

Turnover in the restaurant industry rose to Not only does turnover equate to millions of dollars lost to organizations, but it also affects customer satisfaction in a negative way by influencing the morale and job satisfaction within the industry.

The targeted population for this study consisted of six casual dining restaurant managers in the central Georgia area. An exploration of personnel selection strategies in casual dining restaurants could provide an opportunity for casual dining managers to understand and improve their personnel selection processes and strategies. Recommendations from this study may help restaurant managers select personnel who better fit into the restaurant environment and industry culture.

These recommendations may improve job satisfaction among employees and could increase productivity, efficiency, retention, and financial performance for the establishments. Nature of the Study I found that a qualitative approach to this study helped me better explore the strategies used by casual dining restaurant managers when selecting personnel.

A quantitative approach seeks to reduce the complexities of the variables into a measurable dataset Allwood, Since the variables of the strategies managers use in personnel selection were unknown at the onset of this study, a quantitative approach was not appropriate Chenail, A multiple case study design was the most fitting for this study.

A multiple case study focuses on two or more cases Yin, and allows the researcher to examine a broader range of information than other methods Yin, I selected a multiple case study rather than a single case studies because it produces stronger and more conclusive results Yin, A multiple case study also allows for conclusions that are more powerful and easier to replicate than in single case studies Yin, I considered other qualitative designs such as phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and narrative.

The overall goal of this study was to explore the use of strategies in selecting personnel for the casual dining restaurant industry. A narrative approach was not appropriate for this study because the study compared two diverse groups of restaurant managers, those who, used assessments to screen potential employees and those who used intuitive hiring practices.

Due to the scope of personnel selection strategies used by restaurant managers, I found phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, and narrative approaches to be too limiting, and they were therefore excluded from the design of this study Arendt et al.

Interview Questions 1. What is the process of personnel selection for your company? What is the personnel selection tool you use in personnel selection? Why do you use this instrument?

What are the strengths of this instrument? What are the weaknesses of this instrument? What other instruments or methods have you used in selecting personnel? How does this selection instrument meet your needs? What traits, behaviors, or characteristics are necessary to be successful in the restaurant industry?

How do you know if a new hire is a good fit for the job? RBV was first developed by Schumpeter , who defined it as the resources the firm needs for economic growth. RBV does not focus on the products or services that firms produce, but rather the resources used in producing those products or services Wernerfelt, Penrose explained that only through a shared, tacit knowledge of strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies of team members could teamwork exist.

Operational Definitions Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage market superiority by organizations that have matched their core resources to their opportunities Sangeetha, Human Capital: Human capital is the collective knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees within an organization used to produce economic value Bressler, Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations Assumptions Assumptions are issues or matters assumed to be true that may influence the findings of a study Bernard, I assumed that the participants were forthcoming and honest in discussing their perceptions and experiences with personnel selection strategies used by their organizations.

I also assumed that the instruments used in personnel selection are valid and are reliable. The main limitation of this study was that the casual dining segment of the restaurant industry may not be representative of all of the other types of restaurant operations. Although other segments of the restaurant industry such as fast food, fast casual, and quick service may also use various types of e-based personnel selection tools, to research each segment in depth would require time and resources beyond my means.

Delimitations Delimitations are elements that limit the scope and define the boundaries of the research question that the researcher has control over Bernard, The first delimitation was that casual dining restaurants in the Central Georgia area may not be representative of all restaurants in the United States.

Another delimitation of this study regarded the scope. The purpose of this study was to investigate personnel selection strategies used by casual dining restaurant managers; it does not take into account the culture or the training, nor is there a follow up to track how new hires are performing within the environment. To extend research in these directions was not feasible and would have increased the scope and size of the study.

Understanding the differences in personnel selection processes used by restaurant managers will illuminate the financial benefit of current personnel selection processes Holling, The observations from this study will help owners and operators to close the gap between accepted hiring and staffing practices and desired hiring and staffing practices. The information provided by this study can act as a blueprint for designing and implementing industry specific screening, selecting, and hiring processes and systems.

Contributions to Social Change Turnover in the restaurant industry rose to Not only does turnover equate to millions of dollars lost to organizations, but it also affects customer satisfaction in a negative way by influencing the morale and job satisfaction and unemployment within the industry and the community.

Restaurants that incur costs associated with turnover will inevitably have to raise prices to compensate financially. These cost reductions could allow organizations to reinvest in the communities where they operate. I conducted research using a case study approach intent on capturing the process by which casual dining restaurant managers select employees.

The study consisted of interviewing three casual dining restaurant managers in the Central Georgia area who use some pre-employment assessment, online or pencil and paper, to aid in their hiring decisions, and three managers who use intuition-based hiring alone. The following research question guided the research: What strategies do restaurant managers use to select personnel?

The literature on personnel selection is immense and spans over years of academic research, study, and writing.

I conducted a review of the literature on personnel selection, which included peer-reviewed articles, journals, websites, government reports, and books. The specific focus was on personnel selection, which included intuition-based personnel selection, online assessments, person-environment fit, predictive analytics of the Big Five, answer distortion on online assessments, face-to-face interviewing, video interviewing, and adverse impact.

Of the references, The review of the literature began with an explanation of RBV, which is the primary component in a strategic human resources-based view of the firm. After the description of RBV, the following sections address what personnel selection is and the various strategies available. For RBV to provide a sustained competitive advantage, four criteria must be met.

The resource-based view of the firm takes into account how SHRM can be used to provide a sustained competitive advantage. For SHRM to function as a competitive advantage, it must adhere to the four criteria. First, it has to provide value. There must exist a demand for various types of employees to fill different roles and diverse skill set among employees.

Second, the resource has to be rare. Finding employees with high skill sets and knowledge is rare. Third, the resource has to be inimitable. Internal operating procedures and policies that help shape the culture and interpersonal relationships among its employees create an inimitable resource.

Fourth, the resource cannot be substituted. Using RBV theory for the casual dining restaurant sector shows how human capital can provide a sustained competitive advantage with not only their current personnel but also by embellishing their advantage through a rigorous personnel selection protocol.

The success or failure of service companies relies solely on their frontline employees. Bad hiring decisions not only have a negative effect on a company financially but also on employee morale, which, in turn, could lead to more bad personnel selection decisions. Intuition-Based Selection There are reasons why some hiring managers eschew the use of online assessments or even pencil and paper assessments for intuition-based personnel selection. Miles and Sadler-Smith posit that despite cognitive efforts to the contrary, there are always contextual intuitions at play when interacting face-to-face with candidates.

Social intuition, used most in the personnel selection process, is prone to distortion through interview illusion. Using stated intentions rather than past behavior will only yield results after the hiring decision, at which point the impact will resonate, negatively or positively, throughout the organization. Hiring managers who are overconfident in their reliance on intuition-based decision-making justify their hiring decisions through hindsight bias and an overemphasis of intuitive hits during the interview process.

Therefore, their confidence in the validity of their self-perception is confirmed and intuitive hiring continues. Freyd proffered that relying on personal interpretation rather than objective measures during the selection process allowed personal prejudice to reduce the well-being of the worker and placed the focus of the selection process more on the employer.

Opponents of online assessments decry them as too focused on efficiency and cost reduction, which detracts from hiring truly qualified applicants Stone et al. Another criticism is that online assessments are more prone to cheating or faking than traditional selection methods and create an adverse impact on protected groups Stone et al. Personnel selection assessments include general competency and technical competency based assessments guided by a rigorous job analysis U.

Job analysis requires a holistic approach toward measuring specific competencies necessary to perform a certain job. General competencies include cognitive and social abilities, such as problem solving, and interpersonal skills required across a broad spectrum of occupations, whereas technical competencies focus more on the specific knowledge and skills required for a specific job.

Subject matter experts SME , usually a supervisor or manager, proffer insights into job-specific criteria when performing a job analysis. Cognitive Assessments Cognitive assessments are prevalent throughout all aspects of our society.

Even though there are some detractors from the use of cognitive ability tests to predict future performance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC mainly, there is voluminous empirical evidence that proves otherwise Schmidt, The main argument against the use of cognitive ability tests is that cognitive processes are mental processes and, as such, are not observable.

This argument suggests that how a person knows what they know and applies that knowledge is not a measurable process. In light of these arguments against the validity of and legal rulings against the use of cognitive assessments in employee selection, personnel selection has come to rely more on personality traits to predict work performance. However, working conditions and work role requirements have changed, requiring employees to be more adaptable and flexible to an ever-changing work environment.

Openness to Experience. They also tend to be imaginative, adventurous, and unconventional. Individuals scoring high in conscientiousness tend to be hardworking, self-disciplined, and persevering. Conscientiousness illustrates that individuals scoring high on this trait have a strong sense of responsibility to match their actions to their personal beliefs.

Conscientious people tend to think before they act, plan, prioritize, and follow procedures. Employees are more likely to take initiative, be responsible for, and put forth a sustained effort in completing their tasks. They seek out opportunities for growth, reward, and have a focus on promotion. Individuals scoring high on extraversion are more likely to perceive themselves and their work environments in a more positive way. They can maintain their performance through a positive perception of their job, the challenge of the work, job satisfaction, and the personal satisfaction of accomplishing the task.

Neuroticism is the trait most associated with experiencing and dealing with negative emotions, such as fearfulness, social anxiety, poor control over impulses, and helplessness. Individuals scoring high in neuroticism correlate negatively to displaying proactive behaviors, such as voicing opinions or suggestions and proactively seeking feedback on their performance. Individuals scoring low in neuroticism would exhibit positive behaviors when dealing with distressing situations.

As employees reach their work-related goals, they are motivated to achieve still higher performance and, in turn, their expectation goal increases. The Big Five personality scales have successfully predicted performance in some employment settings. One of the drawbacks to the Big Five is that there is a propensity to view the scales individually and not collectively.

The overriding desire to get the job allows for intentional response distortion on the assessment. Online selection processes such as online applications and pre-employment assessments or job screening are becoming more and more the norm Alessandri et al. More and more applicants are prone to faking or response distortion on online pre-employment assessments Jensen et al. Faking and Response Distortion in Online Assessments One of the main problems facing the use of online assessments is that applicants are prone to distort their answers to online assessments to appear to be the perfect candidate for the position.

Basing personnel selections on response-distorted assessments not only cost organizations but also reduces the validity of the instrument. Personality assessments are also not multi-cultural nor do they test for faking.

Person-Environment Fit Pervin defined person-environment PE fit as the positive interaction among specific characteristics and personality traits of the employee and the environment, which promote higher job satisfaction, better performance, less work related stress, and can predict turnover intention.

Previous research has focused on individual elements of PE fit, but employees interact with their co-workers, supervisors, and organization on a daily basis Tak, Person-job fit.

Person-organization fit. Person-organization fit is the conformity between the goals and values of both the organization and employee. Applicants attract to organizations with whom they share attributes and values that match.

Person-group fit. Person-group fit is the compatibility between an employee and their immediate work group. This dimension of PE fit predicts the attraction of the employee to others similar to them in their social work environment. Researchers have found that similarity can predict group behavior and that similar personalities among employees foster communication and social integration.

Person-supervisor fit. Person-supervisor fit is the match between the employee and their supervisor in the work environment. Person-supervisor fit plays a role in job performance, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Shifting workforce demographics makes it hard for organizations to recruit and acquire the right mix of employees to meet the organization’s strategic agenda.

High turnover costs motivate organizations to find new ways to select personnel. Selection processes that seek to achieve higher levels of PE fit between new hires and the organization rely on effective communication.

PE fit is harder to measure for since Woods and Bandura explain that we are both producers and products of our environments. These organizational communications use logos, pictures, and music to communicate their values and beliefs to both internal and external audiences.

It is through these communications that a prospective candidate measures the fit between their values and those of the organization. Another organizational strategy is to include accurate job descriptions via organizational communications outlining both positive and negative aspects of the job; the intention is to have applicants that feel themselves a poor fit for the job opt out before starting an application. Once the hiring manager selects an applicant, the next step in the selection process is the face-to-face interview.

Lost in the activity of the interview itself is the fact that the interview is an interaction between two people. Each is giving and receiving information as the interview unfolds. Interviewers must be aware of the impression they give to potential applicants. Not only are interviews used to help select the best applicant, but the interviewer also has to be aware of the fact that applicants are collecting information about the organization.

This information will help inform their decision to accept the job or not. Organizations employ a battery of interview types to help mitigate personnel decisions. These are structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured interviews Barrick et al. Structured interviews focus on job-relevant information; which research has shown to provide more accurate results than semi- structured or unstructured interviews.

There is a limit to the amount of structure one can impose on the interview process before it becomes cold, mechanical, and impersonal. At the onset of the interview, unstructured communication can help put the interviewee at ease and build rapport. Interview self-presentation is a set of behaviors used by individuals to communicate an identity to an audience.