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Archicad Archive – Graphisoft – GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD Overview

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Goodies for Archicad 20 – Graphisoft
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CINEMA 4D is a robust, professional, easy to use 3D Animation software that offers customizable configuration suitable for any industry and all skill levels. For professional purposes and to further exploit the texture mapping, rendering and animating capabilities of CINEMA 4D, please use the built-in export command in Archicad.
You can learn more about the Add-On on HelpCenter. Locate the desired language and OS version in the list below and download the installer. Further language versions are uploaded continually. Windows: Double-click the downloaded executable file, which will open the unpacker application. Specify a temporary location for the installer files, then click Extract. After files are extracted, the installer wizard will automatically start and guide you through the rest of the installation.
The installer wizard will automatically start and guide you through the rest of the installation. You can also browse to your Archicad 24 folder and execute the uninstaller in the Uninstall.
C4D subfolder. This will start the uninstaller, which will remove all Cinema 4D components from your computer.